Graduate Work
Digital Media Production
In this course we learned the ins and outs of digital media production - the study of media creation and display through online and interactive experiences. This includes audio and video steaming in online contexts, but it also covers other types of new media that are hybrids of the two. Using various multimedia systems and formats, we explored the foundations of development, content creation and distribution across multiple platforms. Focusing on multi-platform digital media, we wrote, produced and edited our own digital media content for online distribution.
Website Development
For this assignment, I created this website from scratch using Wix. I used a completely blank template and built the site as a a hub for all my social media, advertising, and public relations.

Producing Editing Script/EDL
I acted as a producer and developed an editing script from provided stock interview and b-roll footage. Using the interview footage as my main source for telling the story and b-roll for cutaways, I developed a written project edit decision list.

Podcast Promotional Trailer
In this assignment I created a script and one minute promotion for The Always Sunny Podcast. I used podcast segments from the show, recorded a voiceover, and put together a one-minute sequence with a music bed under the promo. I added transitions and effects as needed to enhance and smooth out the edit with Adobe Audition, and exported the final mix to .mp3.

Non-Linear Video Editing
Using my own editing script/EDL I created a three minute video using video editing techniques I learned in class through Adobe Premiere. I used footage for an interview and B-roll provided to me.

Podcasting Production & Distribution
This assignment required me to write a script and create a concept for an original podcast. I recorded, edited, and distributed an original podcast which I titled the Work In Progress Podcast. In my first episode I discussed what using Tumblr in the mid 2010's was like as an adolescent. To edit this podcast and add a music backtrack I used Adobe Audition.